| Turn 11 Results Attacks Tanzania w/ 9 armies (7 lost) vs Egypt w/ 9 armies (6 lost) Congo w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Egypt w/ 3 armies (3 lost) Eastern Europe w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Austria w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Scandinavia w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses what123: 20 new armies (11 from Region Bonuses) cougsack: 8 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
2 yrs, 278 days ago |
| Turn 10 Results Attacks Northern Territories w/ 34 armies (2 lost) vs Alberta w/ 2 armies (2 lost) Tanzania w/ 21 armies (15 lost) vs Egypt w/ 19 armies (13 lost) Egypt w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Algeria w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Ukraine w/ 11 armies (5 lost) vs Eastern Europe w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Congo w/ 7 armies (3 lost) vs Algeria w/ 4 armies (4 lost) Army Bonuses what123: 21 new armies (11 from Region Bonuses) Kluure: 11 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) cougsack: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
2 yrs, 278 days ago |
| Turn 9 Results Attacks Iran w/ 12 armies (3 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Middle East w/ 11 armies (2 lost) vs Egypt w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Tanzania w/ 8 armies (0 lost) vs Congo w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Alaska w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Alberta w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses Leon Trotsky: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) what123: 21 new armies (11 from Region Bonuses) Kluure: 11 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) cougsack: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
2 yrs, 278 days ago |
| Turn 8 Results Attacks Alaska w/ 33 armies (16 lost) vs Northern Territories w/ 25 armies (17 lost) South Africa w/ 11 armies (2 lost) vs Tanzania w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Army Bonuses Leon Trotsky: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) what123: 19 new armies (11 from Region Bonuses) Kluure: 12 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) cougsack: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
2 yrs, 278 days ago |
Kluure  | no, I took it as we don't attack eachother until the inactives are gone, the leader would become apparent once the others were gone. I have been focusing on taking out the inactive players, but now I have to stop that to fight you......
2 yrs, 278 days ago |
cougsack  | Yes and I am sure what will wipe out the others before he gets to us or vice versus. I didn't do anything do to the drop I had
2 yrs, 278 days ago |
what123  | I mean we discussed playing each other and as I said "hopefully a winner becomes obvious before anyone gets put out". This a one person advances tournament. If you had taken NA along with half of Europe and part of Africa, there's no way I'm beating you. I thought it was understood we were playing against each other from the jump... Did you not take it that way cougsack?
2 yrs, 278 days ago |
Kluure  | WHy are you attacking me before we get rid of the inactives... we agreed to get them out first.... no?
2 yrs, 278 days ago |
| Turn 7 Results Attacks Pevek w/ 19 armies (4 lost) vs Alaska w/ 6 armies (6 lost) Quebec w/ 15 armies (5 lost) vs Greenland w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Western Europe w/ 11 armies (4 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Army Bonuses Leon Trotsky: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ugly duckling: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) what123: 19 new armies (11 from Region Bonuses) Kluure: 12 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) cougsack: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
2 yrs, 278 days ago |
| Turn 6 Results Attacks Algeria w/ 17 armies (5 lost) vs Western Europe w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Middle East w/ 11 armies (3 lost) vs Iran w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Pevek w/ 8 armies (8 lost) vs Alaska w/ 11 armies (5 lost) Ontario w/ 7 armies (2 lost) vs Quebec w/ 2 armies (2 lost) China w/ 7 armies (1 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Alberta w/ 4 armies (0 lost) vs Northern Territories w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses Leon Trotsky: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ugly duckling: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) what123: 19 new armies (11 from Region Bonuses) Kluure: 11 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) cougsack: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
2 yrs, 280 days ago |
| Turn 5 Results Attacks India w/ 10 armies (3 lost) vs Middle East w/ 5 armies (5 lost) China w/ 10 armies (3 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 5 armies (4 lost) West United States w/ 9 armies (1 lost) vs Ontario w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Mongolia w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Pevek w/ 1 armies (1 lost) East United States w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs Quebec w/ 6 armies (4 lost) Army Bonuses Leon Trotsky: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ugly duckling: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) what123: 10 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Kluure: 10 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) cougsack: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
2 yrs, 281 days ago |
| Kluure forced the turn to run.
2 yrs, 281 days ago |
| Turn 4 Results Attacks Algeria w/ 15 armies (5 lost) vs Congo w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Madagascar w/ 14 armies (4 lost) vs South Africa w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Thailand w/ 13 armies (3 lost) vs India w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Mongolia w/ 10 armies (5 lost) vs Pevek w/ 5 armies (4 lost) West United States w/ 9 armies (4 lost) vs East United States w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Alaska w/ 7 armies (7 lost) vs Northern Territories w/ 9 armies (5 lost) Alberta w/ 7 armies (3 lost) vs Ontario w/ 5 armies (4 lost) Army Bonuses Leon Trotsky: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ugly duckling: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) what123: 9 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Kluure: 9 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) cougsack: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
2 yrs, 283 days ago |
cougsack  | Yes I had a horrible drop so the only move I had was to blow you up in SA
2 yrs, 283 days ago |
Kluure  | Is cougsack even playing in this game?
2 yrs, 283 days ago |
| Turn 3 Results Attacks Brazil w/ 19 armies (3 lost) vs Algeria w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Mexico w/ 11 armies (3 lost) vs West United States w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Ural w/ 10 armies (4 lost) vs Mongolia w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Army Bonuses Leon Trotsky: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ugly duckling: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) what123: 9 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Kluure: 8 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) cougsack: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
2 yrs, 283 days ago |
| Turn 2 Results Attacks Columbia w/ 24 armies (4 lost) vs Brazil w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Indonesia w/ 11 armies (5 lost) vs Thailand w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Siberia w/ 10 armies (5 lost) vs Ural w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Japan w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs China w/ 2 armies (2 lost) Army Bonuses Leon Trotsky: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ugly duckling: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) what123: 8 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Kluure: 7 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) cougsack: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
2 yrs, 283 days ago |
Kluure  | yep
2 yrs, 283 days ago |
| Turn 1 Results Attacks Mexico w/ 29 armies (4 lost) vs Columbia w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Outback w/ 16 armies (4 lost) vs Indonesia w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Cherskiy w/ 11 armies (4 lost) vs Siberia w/ 5 armies (5 lost) New Guinea w/ 10 armies (4 lost) vs Queensland w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Japan w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs China w/ 5 armies (3 lost) Army Bonuses Leon Trotsky: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ugly duckling: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) what123: 7 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Kluure: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) cougsack: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
2 yrs, 284 days ago |
| what123 forced the turn to run.
2 yrs, 284 days ago |
what123  | I assume since we all 3 have ended turn you are ready to force turn....
2 yrs, 284 days ago |
Kluure  | okay, then I will play with this account and drop klurejr out once we get rid of Leon and Ugly
2 yrs, 284 days ago |
what123  | Not really.... The only option really is klure to leave one inactive and we play against each other that are active... Hopefully a winner has become obvious before anyone gets put out and can take out the inactives...
2 yrs, 284 days ago |
Kluure  | what123 - you have any suggestions?
2 yrs, 284 days ago |
cougsack  | Only one. Don't see any real way to play this?
2 yrs, 284 days ago |
klurejr  | Only one advances right?
2 yrs, 285 days ago |
klurejr  | IMO leon and Ugly need to get 5th and 6th.
2 yrs, 285 days ago |
klurejr  | What do you think we should do?
2 yrs, 285 days ago |
klurejr  | Normally I would drop out one of my accounts, but I can keep them both in to help remove the 2 inactive players. no matter what this game is going to be unfair and inbalanced.
2 yrs, 285 days ago |
klurejr  | All these AFK players are screwing up the tournys
2 yrs, 285 days ago |
cougsack  | So we have 2 Klurre accounts and Leon and Ugly are DOA. How are we going to play this?
2 yrs, 285 days ago |
| Game #Hawkin's Trial #10 - Game 17 Started
2 yrs, 285 days ago |
| cougsack joined the game.
2 yrs, 285 days ago |
| Kluure joined the game.
2 yrs, 285 days ago |
| what123 joined the game.
2 yrs, 286 days ago |
| klurejr joined the game.
2 yrs, 287 days ago |
| ugly duckling joined the game.
2 yrs, 288 days ago |
| Leon Trotsky joined the game.
2 yrs, 289 days ago |