Game #541563
Turn Rate | 1 Minute |
Number of Players | 5 |
Map | Original |
Fog of War | False |
Minimum Army Bonus | 0 |
Reverse Attack Order | False |
Non-Random Attacks | False |
Private Invite Only | False |
1stCaptainGeneral  |
1st Place |
(Score Expected = 0.304740011692047, Score = 1, Rating Change = 104) |
masalex  |
2nd Place |
(Score Expected = 0.662129998207092, Score = 0.75, Rating Change = 13) |
wing_n_it  |
3rd Place |
(Score Expected = 0.595679998397827, Score = 0.5, Rating Change = -14) |
PfcSmith  |
4th Place |
(Score Expected = 0.505970001220703, Score = 0.25, Rating Change = -38) |
Vercingetorix the Gaul  |
5th Place |
(Score Expected = 0.43147000670433, Score = 0, Rating Change = -65) |