Global Combat World War 1

Game #743700

Turn Rate24 Hours
Number of Players3
Fog of WarFalse
Minimum Army Bonus0
Reverse Attack OrderFalse
Non-Random AttacksFalse
Private Invite OnlyTrue


Mr Wonderful 91056|Mr Wonderful   1st Place (Score Expected = 0.18, Score = 1, Rating Change = 123)
New Dawn 34865|New Dawn   2nd Place (Score Expected = 0.44, Score = 0.5, Rating Change = 9)
HiT ThaT 70170|HiT ThaT   3rd Place (Score Expected = 0.89, Score = 0, Rating Change = -134)

New Dawn 34865|New Dawnok, for me
3 yrs, 252 days ago
Mr Wonderful 91056|Mr WonderfulI would have to see it. And another game you out first and the general out second. .
3 yrs, 254 days ago
Mr Wonderful 91056|Mr WonderfulSo if I win this game, and I'm halfway there, I should score well against you two high ranker no matter which went out first, same points for me?
3 yrs, 254 days ago
Mr Wonderful 91056|Mr WonderfulYes but have we proved that then?
3 yrs, 254 days ago
New Dawn 34865|New DawnDo you understand what I wrote?
3 yrs, 254 days ago
Mr Wonderful 91056|Mr WonderfulI do not understand any of that!
3 yrs, 256 days ago
Mr Wonderful 91056|Mr WonderfulWith more than two players your Score Expected is the average of your Score Expected against all other players. The change in rating is based upon score compared to score expected. Your score in the game is based upon your place, with 1.0 being first place and 0 being last place. So in a five player game first = 1.0, second = .75, third = .5, forth = .25 and last place = 0. The difference is calculated between the score and score expected and then multiplied by 150 to get the change in score. If your score is larger than your score expected then you will gain points, if your score is less than your score expected you will loose points. Your rating changes by: (Actual Score - (Expected Score for (Opponent Rating - Your Rating))) * 150 So if you had a 8500 rating played a player with a 9000 rating and you won the equation would look like this: (9000 - 8500) = 500 rating difference Expected score for 500 = .317 1.0 (your score) - .317 (your expected score) = .683 .683 * 150 = 102 rating points You would have a new rating of 8602 and your opponent would lose 102 points and have a new rating of 8898.
3 yrs, 256 days ago
New Dawn 34865|New DawnAs far as I know: Yes.
3 yrs, 256 days ago
Mr Wonderful 91056|Mr WonderfulHas it always been that way? I think it used to matter in what order they went out.
3 yrs, 256 days ago
New Dawn 34865|New DawnThe content of this discussion is - according to me - that if you are about to win a multi player game it doesn't matter in what order you kill of the other players. YOUR added points are only calculated based upon YOUR result (and the average of your opponents score and regardless of their individual result in this game)
3 yrs, 256 days ago
HiT ThaT 70170|HiT ThaTLol deep!!
3 yrs, 256 days ago
Mr Wonderful 91056|Mr WonderfulI don't get it still....
3 yrs, 257 days ago
HiT ThaT 70170|HiT ThaTI get it now, I will have an “expected” score and I will lose points according to my position, but your saying that it won’t effect the amount of another players points because they have their own expected score
3 yrs, 257 days ago
New Dawn 34865|New DawnBut you will (of course) loose more in this game than you gained in any of the two other games.
3 yrs, 257 days ago
New Dawn 34865|New DawnThat also means that in this game (where you will end as #3) it doesn't matter for you points whether I or Mr W wins the game.
3 yrs, 257 days ago
New Dawn 34865|New DawnYes, but thats when you play 1 vs 1. When you play 1 vs many it doesn't matter for the points calculation the order in which the other finishes on.
3 yrs, 258 days ago
HiT ThaT 70170|HiT ThaTYou can look at my game history - if I play sonia - another high ranking general I get much more points .. but when I lose to Enoc2 I lost a ton of points ... if I beat a 9000 or lower I may only get 12 points
3 yrs, 258 days ago
HiT ThaT 70170|HiT ThaTIt’s simple ... if a low rank plays me and wins in 1v1 he will get 150 points - but if I beat him I’ll get 7 points
3 yrs, 258 days ago
HiT ThaT 70170|HiT ThaTI am not sure, I still had the highest “expected score” that is factored in to the math to award points
3 yrs, 258 days ago
New Dawn 34865|New DawnOk. So in game 743699: 1. HiT_That +16 2. New Dawn +9 3. Mr Wonderful -27 In game 743707 1. HiT ThaT +18 2. Mr Wonderful +49 3. New Dawn -69 I think this proves that for the winner it doesn't matter in what order the other players finishes.
3 yrs, 258 days ago
New Dawn 34865|New DawnI see that you has already quit in this game, HiT ThaT. I don't know why but I want Mr Wonderful to quit the game 743707 after me.
3 yrs, 258 days ago
New Dawn 34865|New DawnWhen the other game is finished I will quit the game followed by Mr Wonderful
3 yrs, 258 days ago
HiT ThaT 70170|HiT ThaTI believe when this game ends it will say I had a much higher expected score
3 yrs, 258 days ago
HiT ThaT 70170|HiT ThaTIv never cared about rank but I would live to pass Sonia :) :)
3 yrs, 258 days ago
HiT ThaT 70170|HiT ThaTOh my .. why do I get myself in to this :)
3 yrs, 258 days ago
Game #Game #743700 Started
3 yrs, 258 days ago
HiT ThaT joined the game.
3 yrs, 258 days ago
Mr Wonderful joined the game.
3 yrs, 259 days ago
New Dawn invited Mr Wonderful to this game.
3 yrs, 260 days ago
New Dawn invited HiT ThaT to this game.
3 yrs, 260 days ago
New Dawn 34865|New DawnThis is the second of two games for testing points calculation.
3 yrs, 260 days ago
New Dawn joined the game.
3 yrs, 260 days ago
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