Global Combat World War 1

Large #245 - Game 15

Turn Rate24 Hours
Number of Players8
Fog of WarFalse
Minimum Army Bonus0
Reverse Attack OrderFalse
Non-Random AttacksFalse
Private Invite OnlyFalse


Vkings_ 18192|Vkings_   1st Place (Score Expected = 0.62, Score = 1, Rating Change = 57)
cugel the clever 35738|cugel the clever   2nd Place (Score Expected = 0.56, Score = 0.86, Rating Change = 45)
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr Dreidel   3rd Place (Score Expected = 0.42, Score = 0.71, Rating Change = 44)
MatCauthon 95709|MatCauthon   4th Place (Score Expected = 0.24, Score = 0.57, Rating Change = 49)
klurejr 91908|klurejr   5th Place (Score Expected = 0.45, Score = 0.43, Rating Change = -3)
TimmyF 42208|TimmyF   6th Place (Score Expected = 0.8, Score = 0.29, Rating Change = -76)
informer 40299|informer   7th Place (Score Expected = 0.55, Score = 0.14, Rating Change = -62)
Jeffery2010 9657|Jeffery2010   8th Place (Score Expected = 0.35, Score = 0, Rating Change = -52)

Turn 17 Results
     Pevek w/ 44 armies (1 lost) vs Cherskiy w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Mongolia w/ 25 armies (1 lost) vs Japan w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Scandinavia w/ 16 armies (4 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 4 armies (4 lost)
     Austria w/ 12 armies (1 lost) vs Eastern Europe w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
Army Bonuses
     cugel the clever: 7 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 35 new armies (20 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 184 days ago
Turn 16 Results
     Pevek w/ 50 armies (1 lost) vs Mongolia w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Iceland w/ 18 armies (1 lost) vs Scandinavia w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Western Europe w/ 13 armies (0 lost) vs Austria w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
Army Bonuses
     cugel the clever: 8 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 26 new armies (13 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 184 days ago
cugel the clever forced the turn to run.
4 yrs, 184 days ago
Turn 15 Results
     Thailand w/ 24 armies (1 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Greenland w/ 20 armies (1 lost) vs Iceland w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Western Europe w/ 14 armies (0 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Ukraine w/ 14 armies (1 lost) vs Iran w/ 6 armies (6 lost)
     Egypt w/ 8 armies (1 lost) vs Middle East w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     India w/ 8 armies (8 lost) vs Iran w/ 13 armies (5 lost)
Army Bonuses
     cugel the clever: 8 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 25 new armies (13 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 185 days ago
MatCauthon 95709|MatCauthonMordeo corenne!
4 yrs, 185 days ago
Turn 14 Results
     Kazakhstan w/ 18 armies (15 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 18 armies (10 lost)
     Algeria w/ 10 armies (1 lost) vs Egypt w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Congo w/ 10 armies (1 lost) vs Tanzania w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     South Africa w/ 10 armies (1 lost) vs Madagascar w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Eastern Europe w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Iran w/ 1 armies (0 lost)
Army Bonuses
     cugel the clever: 8 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 23 new armies (13 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 185 days ago
cugel the clever 35738|cugel the cleverthe Hawkins tournaments are named after me too because I complained constantly to Brian about timmy and his friends teaming, and I asked Brian to create a tournament in which only one player advanced to the next round per game. That way, teaming is discouraged.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrNow that I am out of this game I probably wont be checking back in on it.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrmy tactics in this game were not great, I was going for NA and got beat ot the punch by Vkings... had a few bad rolls and got trounced. And now I am out of this round and wont be moving on. Life goes on.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Turn 13 Results
     Algeria w/ 28 armies (0 lost) vs Western Europe w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Iran w/ 20 armies (4 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 5 armies (5 lost)
     Congo w/ 11 armies (1 lost) vs South Africa w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     United Kingdom w/ 9 armies (9 lost) vs Scandinavia w/ 23 armies (5 lost)
     Siberia w/ 7 armies (0 lost) vs Cherskiy w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
Army Bonuses
     cugel the clever: 8 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 18 new armies (9 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrIt is just my opinion, but Final 4 is the only tournement where teams are allowed. IMO every outher tournement type is free for all like standard RISK.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelKlure, I am going to stand down on these attacks, and to all, I apologize for my colorful language. You all know how frustrating it is to have a good game ruined. I will be watching diligently if I see MatC in the same game with any of your accounts Kluure. Your tactics in this game all pointed to one conclusion
4 yrs, 186 days ago
cugel the clever 35738|cugel the cleveryears ago, when the game was first created, there was no way to search login history. after a lot of complaints about "multies", brian created the login history tool. but he didn't create a block against such behavior. he could easily have done this..... just program the game to allow only one unique IP address per game. but he didn't do this. he left it up to the players to judge what is right.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrI actually kind wish there was a "teams" tournement (outside of the Final 4 where teams are encouraged) 123456789a ran a private one a few years ago, but it took a ton fo leg work to get it organized and such.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
cugel the clever 35738|cugel the cleverthere is an admin, Brian. but he never intervenes in these kind of ethics disputes.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
cugel the clever 35738|cugel the clevertimmy defends his secret teaming by saying that there is nothing in the rules aagainst. fine, but there is nothing in the rules against the same player playing multiple accounts. the "rules" only describe an instruction and strategy manual, not a definition of "cheating". we players define the ethics of the game. and i think most people think that secret teaming is unethical and therefore "cheating". if klure and mat are indeed the same person, then they are cheating in this game. i don't tjink it's been proven. though.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrThe only thing the site leadership has done recently was to make the ooker tournement, which was a direct responce to stop secret teaming and make a true Free for all style game.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Vkings_ 18192|Vkings_I am not so sure i want an active admin. Self governence can be interesting as well.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrI Agree, I wish there was an admin on this site. but the leadership here bowed out a long time ago and just sit back and collect ad revenue
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrDreidel - i am not sure how login times have anything to do with anything. I am sure if you dug futher you might find that they also login at very different times. You might find I login at the same time as you or anyone else... you do realize that the site can send out email updates when a turn passses and thus get a few people from the same game to login at once to check the moves?
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr Dreidelno way to report this kind of behavior
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr Dreidelit's been a jewel for us all but it is a lawless place
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelWhat is unfortunate, is that this site has no admin
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrThe only thing i have ever seen MatCauthon say are quotes in a language I do not understand.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Vkings_ 18192|Vkings_The silence is indeed deafening
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr Dreidelalso, where is MatC in all this? Conspicuously silent spewing bs quotes without defending himself?
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Vkings_ 18192|Vkings_I try not to throw around the word "cheating" lightly. I just see that other may not view "wining" the game same as me. I simply play every game to "win", I play for 1st place from the start every game with very few exceptions. If it has become a lost cause or if i get angry at someone, then i will change to play for position or just to destroy someone.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr Dreidelbe that as it may, Klure the evidence is all there. You logins being within minutes of eachother on dozens and dozens of days consecutively. And the atrocious display we just saw in this game
4 yrs, 186 days ago
cugel the clever 35738|cugel the cleveri believe you.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrI only play 3 accounts. Kluure (my first account on this site), Klurejr (my second account on this site) and Tr0gd0r.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelThanks for the perspective Cugel. If what you say is true, I am firmly against the behavior you describe below Cugel
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Vkings_ 18192|Vkings_Heck at any time i have had trouble with just about everyone here i think. Even cugel below has been pissed at me at times.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
cugel the clever 35738|cugel the cleveryes klure... it would help if you made a definite statement one way or the other.... are you and mat the same person?
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Vkings_ 18192|Vkings_Not sure if anyone is picking sides Kluure. Just saying what is bad behaviour. I have had trouble with Timmy and ther like him in the past as well. I mainly adjust my game to account for who is there. Kluure, to be clear, you are saying that MatCauthon is not the same person as you ?
4 yrs, 186 days ago
cugel the clever 35738|cugel the cleverI see no evidence in the IP record that mat and klure are the same IP address. Even if they are using the same IP address, it's not necessarily true that they're the same player. One of Timmy/Jbugs/Ouchie cheating team mates is backagain/uglyduckling and others. They have the same IP and have been called out on it. The person claims that each name is a different person from his/her family who are on the same network. The bottom line is that they help each other out via secret teaming. There is no ethical difference between 3 different players entering a game and teaming for the entire game versus a single player playing three accounts in a game. Kluure has multiple accounts which he uses to enter tournaments. I don't like it, but he does quit all but one of his accounts when they all land in the same game. Timmy and his buddies are worse. They play entire tournaments as one team.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrTimmy has been dishonest for a very long time, I am not sure why you all have decided to start trusting him.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrI have been honest about my 3 accounts since I started using them, they only join the tournements to help get the numbers up so the dang things will start.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrI dont have 4 accounts. I am not cheating. Timmy is lying because I continue to call him out for secret teaming. My track record speaks for itself as does Timmy's.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Turn 12 Results
     Mongolia w/ 21 armies (13 lost) vs Siberia w/ 13 armies (13 lost)
     Middle East w/ 20 armies (0 lost) vs Iran w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Western Europe w/ 11 armies (1 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Algeria w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Congo w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Ukraine w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs Iran w/ 20 armies (3 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 7 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 17 new armies (9 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 186 days ago
MatCauthon forced the turn to run.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
TimmyF 42208|TimmyF*four accounts
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Vkings_ 18192|Vkings_I may not be as eloquent as the good doctor, but i do agree with him. Multiple accounts in same game without annoucing is wrong. Certainly akin to what i would call cheating. Secret teaming is poor form but not actually cheating. Up to the individual if you think it is wrong. If you want to have any hope of gaining any respect from anyone, you might want ot just own it instead of deflecting onto others.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelNobody here gives a flying F about Timmy and some alleged secret agreement. We care about you cheating in the very game we are playing
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr Dreideland we will all continue to call you out until you grow a sack of balls and man up.
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr Dreidelplain and simple
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr Dreidelyou are a cheater
4 yrs, 186 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelKlure.... STFUP. Seriously. Everyone in this game has caught you being a CHEATER. And your defense? To whine and b**** about some other player allegedly having secret teams... what the hell does that have to do with you cheating? This is an obvious shit deflection
4 yrs, 186 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrAs you can see, I don't believe you will ever stop making secret teams, and I will keep plying my three accounts. I guess you will just have to deal with it and I will continue to announce your Secret teaming anytime I get put in a tournament game with you.
4 yrs, 187 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejr;-)
4 yrs, 187 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrJust stop making secret teams and lying in tournements about secret teaming. It's not that hard.
4 yrs, 187 days ago
Turn 11 Results
     Egypt w/ 22 armies (1 lost) vs Middle East w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Western Europe w/ 21 armies (9 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 11 armies (8 lost)
     Peru w/ 10 armies (0 lost) vs Argentina w/ 2 armies (2 lost)
     Brazil w/ 5 armies (0 lost) vs Algeria w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     United Kingdom w/ 2 armies (2 lost) vs Western Europe w/ 13 armies (1 lost)
     India w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs Middle East w/ 21 armies (3 lost)
     Ural w/ 2 armies (2 lost) vs Siberia w/ 12 armies (0 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 7 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 16 new armies (9 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 187 days ago
TimmyF 42208|TimmyFJust play one account and be done with it. It's not that hard.
4 yrs, 187 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrSo either we believe timmy, who has a reputation for lying to everyone on this site and then claiming his secrect tactics are not against the rules, or you beleive me who has openly declared my multiple accounts and defers to the other players with how to go about playing a round if they end up in a game together.......
4 yrs, 187 days ago
MatCauthon 95709|MatCauthonMordeo corenne!
4 yrs, 187 days ago
Turn 10 Results
     Columbia w/ 45 armies (11 lost) vs Brazil w/ 17 armies (17 lost)
     Siberia w/ 10 armies (0 lost) vs Cherskiy w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Japan w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Mongolia w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     China w/ 3 armies (0 lost) vs Ural w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 7 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 12 new armies (6 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 187 days ago
TimmyF 42208|TimmyFSee: 6player 34, Game 10. Ookr's tourney 3, Game 9.
4 yrs, 188 days ago
TimmyF 42208|TimmyFI presented proof at the time, multiple times. You refused to deny. As you are no doubt well aware, there's only a limited number of IP logins that can be seen, and these were pretty consistent until you 'wised up' months ago. I have been making this case for months, as most people here are aware. Go back into the older tourney records to see.
4 yrs, 188 days ago
Turn 9 Results
     United Kingdom w/ 21 armies (14 lost) vs Western Europe w/ 18 armies (11 lost)
     China w/ 6 armies (1 lost) vs Japan w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Cherskiy w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs Pevek w/ 6 armies (2 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     informer: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 6 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 12 new armies (6 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 8 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 188 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrAlso, Timmy made some unsubstanciated claims about logins. he never actually presented any proof, just made some wild claims. My game history on this site speaks for itself as does the game history of TimmyF making secret teams.
4 yrs, 188 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrPublic Alliances and secret teams are not the same thing at all. That said we are all welcome to our own opinions on the matter.
4 yrs, 188 days ago
Vkings_ 18192|Vkings_Anyway, we will play this out and see what happens.
4 yrs, 188 days ago
Turn 8 Results
     Columbia w/ 10 armies (3 lost) vs Peru w/ 3 armies (3 lost)
     Ukraine w/ 9 armies (0 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Quebec w/ 8 armies (2 lost) vs Greenland w/ 2 armies (2 lost)
     China w/ 6 armies (5 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 9 armies (4 lost)
     Thailand w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs India w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     United Kingdom w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs Western Europe w/ 13 armies (0 lost)
     Eastern Europe w/ 3 armies (0 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     informer: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 5 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 12 new armies (6 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 8 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 188 days ago
Vkings_ 18192|Vkings_I agree with the Jeffery statement. While i dislike teaming, i acknowledge that it is allowed. I see the argument that having 2 accounts and "teaming" has the same result - it is NOT the same thing. I would like ALL teams to be annouced if they were made before the start of the game.
4 yrs, 188 days ago
Jeffery2010 9657|Jeffery2010Multiple accounts in the same game is cheating. Alliances - or a border truce is real world strategy.
4 yrs, 188 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelWhy is it that in a post meant to exonerate yourself, you would justify playing multiple accounts in the same game? “ then really what difference would there be in having a secret team with antoher player and a secrect team with yourself?”..... to justify your cheating? I think so
4 yrs, 189 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelKluure, cut the shit. I have reviewed all the evidence and it is damning. How come you never had an answer when questioned why MatC and Klure logged in from the same computer? Yes, I found that. No, you never answered. Why is it, that in half of MattC’s winning games, one of your “three” accounts took a dive? Coincidence? Sure. Why is it, that in the very game we are playing, you made 0 attempts to win a continent or advance in such a way that you would have ANY chance of winning? Because you hate Timmy and respect vkings? Yeah sure, ok. Why is it tha when I go back into your login history I find that almost ALL your logins between MatC and Klurejr coincide within a few minutes of each other?
4 yrs, 189 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrSorry if you are confused by Timmy's Ramblings Driedel. He gets so bent out of shape that I have 3 accounts, Kluure, Klurejr and Tr0gd0r that I play. In every single game since I started my secondary account I have announced that I have multiple accounts and give all players a chance to decide how we play it out. I never secretly or I would guess not so secretly us those accounts to team up on people in an unfair manner. Timmy Speaks of deflecting, but why do you ask him his thoughts on creating a secrect alliance with other players in a game or tournament, never telling the rest of the field that he has a secret team. He and Jbugs have done this so much that the owners of this site created 2 different game types to stop them, Hawkins Trial and ookers Tournament. The only way to stop thier secret teams was to make it impossible for more than 1 player to advance on in those tournements. Timmy and Jbugs seem to think that because the rules of this site do not forbid making secret alliances that it is okay, even after being called out by many of the other long time players here. I don't form secret teams, but if I was playing by Timmy and JBugs rules, then really what difference would there be in having a secret team with antoher player and a secrect team with yourself? None. there is no relation between my 3 accounts and MatCauthon. Give it up.
4 yrs, 189 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelStop quoting some shitty books and man up
4 yrs, 189 days ago
MatCauthon 95709|MatCauthonMia dovienya nesodhin soende.
4 yrs, 189 days ago
Turn 7 Results
     Mexico w/ 21 armies (1 lost) vs Columbia w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Algeria w/ 18 armies (1 lost) vs Brazil w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Peru w/ 14 armies (12 lost) vs Brazil w/ 17 armies (8 lost)
     West United States w/ 9 armies (0 lost) vs Quebec w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Scandinavia w/ 9 armies (0 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Alberta w/ 6 armies (1 lost) vs Northern Territories w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Indonesia w/ 6 armies (1 lost) vs New Guinea w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Outback w/ 6 armies (0 lost) vs Queensland w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     United Kingdom w/ 3 armies (0 lost) vs Iceland w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Eastern Europe w/ 3 armies (0 lost) vs Scandinavia w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Ural w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Siberia w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Mongolia w/ 2 armies (1 lost) vs Japan w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     informer: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 5 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Jeffery2010: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 5 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 8 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 189 days ago
MatCauthon forced the turn to run.
4 yrs, 189 days ago
MatCauthon 95709|MatCauthonSene sovya caba'donde ain dovienya.
4 yrs, 189 days ago
TimmyF 42208|TimmyFStill no denial. Always trying to distract and shift the blame. Still won’t stop playing multiple accounts.
4 yrs, 189 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr Dreidelin half of Matcauthen's winning games you have one of your three accounts taking a dive
4 yrs, 189 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelYou're so full of shit
4 yrs, 189 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejryou guys are crazy. TimmyF constantly makes secret teams and is grasping at straws to discredit me. I have 3 accounts and always announce it when 2 happen to get into the same game and Timmy knows it. He is jsut butt hurt because he refuses to accept that secret teams are cheating.
4 yrs, 189 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelWhat a *coincidence*
4 yrs, 189 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelThe last two logins from KlureJR and Matcauthen were within 5 minutes of each other
4 yrs, 189 days ago
TimmyF 42208|TimmyFSome of these guys already know it, and choose to ignore it, or don't speak up. Right cugel? Vkings?
4 yrs, 190 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelHave some dignity and quit your second account. You’re making a lot of new enemies today. We will remember this
4 yrs, 190 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelAs if anyone would just suicide into someone else every game with no strategy for winning... the strategy is obviously to benefit your MatC account
4 yrs, 190 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelAnd so so so obvious
4 yrs, 190 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelDisgraceful
4 yrs, 190 days ago
TimmyF 42208|TimmyFMatC and all the kluure/trog accounts are the same person. Carrying an ongoing grudge because I continually call him out. he was sloppy with using the same IP addresses early in his MatC days. Still won’t deny it.
4 yrs, 190 days ago
Turn 6 Results
     West United States w/ 19 armies (1 lost) vs Mexico w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Iceland w/ 15 armies (5 lost) vs Scandinavia w/ 5 armies (5 lost)
     Columbia w/ 14 armies (1 lost) vs Peru w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Indonesia w/ 8 armies (1 lost) vs Outback w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Quebec w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Greenland w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Northern Territories w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs Greenland w/ 4 armies (3 lost)
     Kazakhstan w/ 4 armies (3 lost) vs China w/ 4 armies (1 lost)
     Ural w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Mongolia w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     informer: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Jeffery2010: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 190 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrVkings beat me out in NA and I have respect for him, so I am leaving it behind and doing what I can to stop Timmy.
4 yrs, 191 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrI don't know what Mat Cauthon is up to, but if TimmyF or Jbugs are in a game, I suicide into them each time.
4 yrs, 191 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelHow many accounts is that Kluure/trogdor/kluurejr/matcauthen? 4? 5? And you play them in the same game? Weak
4 yrs, 191 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelVery sad. Vkings, take a look. We can’t let this guy cheat his way to a win. Klurejr coming into Europe and SA has no purpose except to weaken Matcauthens enemies.
4 yrs, 191 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelIf MatCauthen and Klure are the same account I call cheating where I see it
4 yrs, 191 days ago
Dr Dreidel 64708|Dr DreidelOk, after seeing the conversation in this game I wanted to see how the game played out.... looking at the last turn there’s a big red flag
4 yrs, 191 days ago
Turn 5 Results
     Thailand w/ 31 armies (14 lost) vs Indonesia w/ 14 armies (14 lost)
     Algeria w/ 30 armies (19 lost) vs Brazil w/ 23 armies (18 lost)
     West United States w/ 13 armies (3 lost) vs Alberta w/ 5 armies (5 lost)
     Brazil w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs Argentina w/ 5 armies (3 lost)
     India w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 11 armies (2 lost)
     Kazakhstan w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Ural w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     United Kingdom w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs Iceland w/ 17 armies (1 lost)
     Siberia w/ 2 armies (2 lost) vs Ural w/ 3 armies (1 lost)
     Pevek w/ 2 armies (1 lost) vs Cherskiy w/ 2 armies (0 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     informer: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Jeffery2010: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 191 days ago
Turn 4 Results
     China w/ 27 armies (1 lost) vs Thailand w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Indonesia w/ 20 armies (9 lost) vs New Guinea w/ 14 armies (13 lost)
     Peru w/ 17 armies (0 lost) vs Brazil w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Columbia w/ 14 armies (13 lost) vs Peru w/ 17 armies (10 lost)
     Iran w/ 6 armies (3 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 3 armies (3 lost)
     Cherskiy w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Siberia w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     West United States w/ 2 armies (0 lost) vs East United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     informer: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Jeffery2010: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 191 days ago
Turn 3 Results
     Ontario w/ 33 armies (5 lost) vs West United States w/ 10 armies (10 lost)
     Japan w/ 30 armies (2 lost) vs China w/ 2 armies (2 lost)
     Outback w/ 19 armies (0 lost) vs Indonesia w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Pevek w/ 12 armies (5 lost) vs Alaska w/ 5 armies (5 lost)
     Tanzania w/ 11 armies (2 lost) vs Egypt w/ 5 armies (5 lost)
     Brazil w/ 7 armies (2 lost) vs Algeria w/ 5 armies (5 lost)
     Siberia w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Mongolia w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     informer: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Jeffery2010: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 8 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 192 days ago
Turn 2 Results
     Queensland w/ 19 armies (1 lost) vs Outback w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     Eastern Europe w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
     China w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 5 armies (2 lost)
     Indonesia w/ 2 armies (1 lost) vs New Guinea w/ 1 armies (1 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     informer: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Jeffery2010: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 193 days ago
Turn 1 Results
     South Africa w/ 29 armies (5 lost) vs Congo w/ 5 armies (5 lost)
     Indonesia w/ 29 armies (27 lost) vs Queensland w/ 34 armies (16 lost)
     Columbia w/ 14 armies (4 lost) vs Mexico w/ 5 armies (5 lost)
Army Bonuses
     TimmyF: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     informer: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     cugel the clever: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Dr Dreidel: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Jeffery2010: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     Vkings_: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     MatCauthon: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
     klurejr: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
4 yrs, 193 days ago
MatCauthon 95709|MatCauthonDovie'andi se tovya sagain
4 yrs, 194 days ago
TimmyF 42208|TimmyFOn a "serious note", I have no alliances in this game going in. Might something form later? Maybe. Need me to point out the rule to you in the game manual? Let me know.
4 yrs, 194 days ago
TimmyF 42208|TimmyFLaughable coming from the guy playing two separate accounts in this game, Matty. Are you going to forfeit the MatCautheon account, or the klurejr account? Probably neither, right. Or maybe just the one that got the better draw.
4 yrs, 194 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrOn a Serious note, Are you going to establish a secret team this game Timmy, or are you going to play everyman for himself? I just want to know how to approach the game.
4 yrs, 194 days ago
Game #Large #245 - Game 15 Started
4 yrs, 194 days ago
klurejr joined the game.
4 yrs, 194 days ago
MatCauthon joined the game.
4 yrs, 194 days ago
Vkings_ joined the game.
4 yrs, 194 days ago
Jeffery2010 joined the game.
4 yrs, 194 days ago
klurejr 91908|klurejrTimmyF - you got a teamate yet? if not wanna team up with me to gurantee we both make it to the last round?
4 yrs, 195 days ago
Dr Dreidel joined the game.
4 yrs, 267 days ago
cugel the clever joined the game.
4 yrs, 267 days ago
informer joined the game.
4 yrs, 267 days ago
TimmyF joined the game.
4 yrs, 267 days ago
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