| Turn 31 Results Attacks Mongolia w/ 131 armies (1 lost) vs Pevek w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Alaska w/ 25 armies (13 lost) vs Alberta w/ 14 armies (14 lost) Quebec w/ 18 armies (2 lost) vs Northern Territories w/ 7 armies (7 lost) West United States w/ 17 armies (0 lost) vs Ontario w/ 1 armies (1 lost) China w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Japan w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Ural w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Siberia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 35 new armies (16 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 96 days ago |
| Turn 30 Results Attacks China w/ 106 armies (1 lost) vs Mongolia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Greenland w/ 23 armies (21 lost) vs Northern Territories w/ 26 armies (19 lost) East United States w/ 19 armies (0 lost) vs Quebec w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Kazakhstan w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Ural w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Alaska w/ 0 armies (0 lost) vs Alberta w/ 14 armies (0 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 33 new armies (16 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 97 days ago |
MadMac  | Game #732060 Game #732053 Game #732052 Game #732049 Game #732048
8 yrs, 97 days ago |
| Turn 29 Results Attacks Thailand w/ 98 armies (1 lost) vs China w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Iceland w/ 24 armies (0 lost) vs Greenland w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Mexico w/ 21 armies (1 lost) vs East United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Ontario w/ 13 armies (2 lost) vs Alberta w/ 2 armies (2 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 31 new armies (16 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 97 days ago |
| MadMac forced the turn to run.
8 yrs, 97 days ago |
| Turn 28 Results Attacks Scandinavia w/ 33 armies (8 lost) vs Iceland w/ 10 armies (10 lost) Ontario w/ 25 armies (12 lost) vs Alberta w/ 15 armies (13 lost) United Kingdom w/ 10 armies (1 lost) vs Austria w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 30 new armies (16 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 99 days ago |
MadMac  | or http://globalcombat.com/Game-732048/
8 yrs, 99 days ago |
MadMac  | http://globalcombat.com/Game-732049/
8 yrs, 99 days ago |
MadMac  | For a different style of play:
8 yrs, 99 days ago |
MadMac  | Oh its the final. Nice. Been so long I had forgotten. GG guys. At least there has been some discussion over teaming rather than just abuse.
8 yrs, 99 days ago |
MadMac  | Was easy while you guys were talking so much ;)
8 yrs, 99 days ago |
Jaydog  | Congratulations Madman
8 yrs, 100 days ago |
| Turn 27 Results Attacks Mexico w/ 26 armies (4 lost) vs West United States w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Eastern Europe w/ 20 armies (1 lost) vs Scandinavia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Western Europe w/ 11 armies (0 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 22 new armies (9 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 100 days ago |
klurejr  | Are you suggesting that Brean is teaming with Jaydog in secret?
8 yrs, 101 days ago |
New Dawn  | Seems like someone wants to make sure I end this game before him.
8 yrs, 102 days ago |
| Turn 26 Results Attacks East United States w/ 32 armies (8 lost) vs Ontario w/ 13 armies (13 lost) South Africa w/ 30 armies (0 lost) vs Madagascar w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Ukraine w/ 4 armies (3 lost) vs Scandinavia w/ 9 armies (3 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 20 new armies (9 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 102 days ago |
klurejr  | If I was going to suggest something for development on this site it would be for the message system to allow group messaging to make planning in a final 4 game easier for all parties.
8 yrs, 102 days ago |
klurejr  | I actually really like the planning aspect of the final 4 games, but in those ones everyone who joins should understand that is the point, pick your 3 team mates in game one and hope you all get decent starts and are able to work together.
8 yrs, 102 days ago |
klurejr  | There are times when an NAP is assumed in order for 2 or 3 players to not get overrun by a 4th stronger player. I feel that is okay, but joining a tourny, especially a 4 player one and making a plan to run all the games together in secrect is a no-no. Especially since the other 2 players in the game have no idea what is happening until it is too late.
8 yrs, 102 days ago |
| Turn 25 Results Attacks Tanzania w/ 41 armies (10 lost) vs South Africa w/ 14 armies (14 lost) Columbia w/ 28 armies (1 lost) vs Mexico w/ 1 armies (1 lost) United Kingdom w/ 21 armies (17 lost) vs Western Europe w/ 26 armies (16 lost) Scandinavia w/ 10 armies (1 lost) vs Austria w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 16 new armies (5 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 102 days ago |
MadMac  | Sometimes if we both look to be going for SA I offer to take NA as long as there is an agreement to not attack me for several turns otherwise there is no point going for it.
8 yrs, 102 days ago |
MadMac  | I agree. However I do think shorter term deals should not have to be. e.g. arranging to not both place in AUS or NAP for 2-3 turns. So it is a grey area.
8 yrs, 102 days ago |
New Dawn  | I think all NAP's should be announced.
8 yrs, 102 days ago |
Jaydog  | Kind of mob rule, hanging style. Judge 123 and executioner Cugal. lol. What are your thoughts on NAP's, K. Should they have to be announced?
8 yrs, 102 days ago |
klurejr  | So bascially this site is only kept alive for ad revenue with zero development or oversight, so it is up to the users to police themsevles....
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
| Turn 24 Results Attacks Alberta w/ 26 armies (1 lost) vs Ontario w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Iceland w/ 23 armies (1 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Mexico w/ 9 armies (0 lost) vs East United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 15 new armies (5 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
New Dawn  | Do you know that there is this site sgamers.com run by former GC admin PeaceMaker. Please go there, create an account and play some games. There is a forum there but it's not allowed to talk about globalcombat (or hasn't been atleast). The game mechanics are similar to GlobalCombat but not identical.
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
New Dawn  | No, I was never an admin. There was an external forum for a while after Bryan closed the forum on this site but it never get enough players on it and was eventually dropped. I am positive to a forum if someone wants to start it.
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
Jaydog  | Maybe if one of you internet junkies wants to set up a forum, we could vote on those types of issues. I would go along with that.
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
Jaydog  | Dawn, were you an admin also? Man, I miss those days. He should have just left us to democratically set the rules. We disagreed but we could have had a forum.
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
Jaydog  | To me, many people here play differently. I have never and will never call them cheaters. For instance, Uggy waits till all have moved and will force to take an advantage. That is not against the rules. I will set a NAP with ones that I trust so that I don't have to watch a certain border. That is well within the rules. In fact, allies are within the rules. I know that you look at this game totally different that I do. That is ok too. But, Tim and I are not the only ones who make naps and alliances. Bryan came back for just a short bit a while back but I think he got tired of all of the infighting. As long as he makes money off of the advertising, he has pretty much left the game.
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
Jaydog  | I have never cheated....only disagreed. I do believe that multiple accounts are a form of however. I am sorry that you feel that way but I believe that it is no different than our disagreement of what is politically correct. That is unless you are 123 or Cugs. Their political leanings are off of the charts. 123 is way right and Cugs is way left.
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
klurejr  | I have tried contacting Bryan multiple times via the contact us button on this site, it does not seem to work. ALso I have no reason to take your word for it. You and Timmy are despised by the long time players who all agree that Timmy and Jaydog are cheating.
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
| Turn 23 Results Attacks Brazil w/ 30 armies (1 lost) vs Columbia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Iceland w/ 12 armies (1 lost) vs Scandinavia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Egypt w/ 4 armies (0 lost) vs Tanzania w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Congo w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs South Africa w/ 17 armies (3 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 16 new armies (5 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
Jaydog  | K, I actually emailed Bryan a while back about that. He said, no rules.
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
Jaydog  | Yup, Ouchman is still close by. I have a coffee shop now also and he helps me out there also
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
klurejr  | Unless you are in Final Four, the only tourny the specifically encourages making teams. IMHO - since we have one Tourny that encourages teams and no others that do, then the implication is that teaming is only kosher in Final Four.
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
klurejr  | I agree with MadMac, undeclared teams are not cool.
8 yrs, 103 days ago |
New Dawn  | Hi Bowser. Are still running your Diner?
8 yrs, 104 days ago |
New Dawn  | I agree with MadMac.
8 yrs, 104 days ago |
| Turn 22 Results Attacks Egypt w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Congo w/ 1 armies (1 lost) West United States w/ 2 armies (1 lost) vs East United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 12 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 104 days ago |
| Brean forced the turn to run.
8 yrs, 104 days ago |
Jaydog  | By 79 days...lol
8 yrs, 104 days ago |
MadMac  | My opinion is that undeclared teams will be a large factor in discouraging new players (if there are any) and eventually put off the veterans. Then the numbers will drop to a level where tournaments are not even possible.
8 yrs, 104 days ago |
MadMac  | If we are measuring ;)
8 yrs, 104 days ago |
MadMac  | I'm the oldest
8 yrs, 104 days ago |
MadMac  | MadMac Signed Up 14 yrs, 179 days ago
8 yrs, 104 days ago |
Jaydog  | Bowser
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
| Turn 21 Results Attacks Algeria w/ 23 armies (1 lost) vs Egypt w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Eastern Europe w/ 18 armies (0 lost) vs Middle East w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Congo w/ 15 armies (1 lost) vs South Africa w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Pevek w/ 6 armies (1 lost) vs Alaska w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 12 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
New Dawn  | (12 years, 260 days myself)
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
New Dawn  | Jaydog, what was your account name at that time?
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
Jaydog  | Actually, that argument was one of the ones that kind of broke up the admins. I think lostboy and I might be the only ones left unless someone else closed his previous account also.
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
Jaydog  | 14 yrs....100 days
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
Jaydog  | actually, K, I am one of the originals. Just hung my spurs up on that account. I have been playing for longer than most anyone here. At one time, I even made up tournaments. That is where final four came from, Bryan revived it for me. so...if he wants me to not play like I do, I will gladly stop as soon as he puts it in the rules.
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
MadMac  | I agree with klurejr. I took a break from the tourneys until just recently purely because jaydog and timmy pissed me off so much.
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
klurejr  | Even my secondary account has been around longer than you.....
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
klurejr  | klurejr Signed Up 3 yrs, 169 days ago
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
| Turn 20 Results Attacks Eastern Europe w/ 20 armies (0 lost) vs Austria w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Egypt w/ 16 armies (0 lost) vs Congo w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Greenland w/ 7 armies (2 lost) vs Iceland w/ 2 armies (2 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 11 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
klurejr  | Sorry, I have been playing this game a bit longer than you and am in a better spot to say what is considered propper ettiquite than you. All the long term players agree with me, Secrect Teams are frowned upon in a huge way.
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
klurejr  | Kluure Signed Up 10 yrs, 77 days ago
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
klurejr  | Jaydog Signed Up 1 yrs, 312 days ago
8 yrs, 105 days ago |
MadMac  | 6 player tourney
8 yrs, 106 days ago |
MadMac  | Just needs one more. http://globalcombat.com/Tournament-4852/
8 yrs, 106 days ago |
| Turn 19 Results Attacks Scandinavia w/ 40 armies (1 lost) vs Eastern Europe w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Mongolia w/ 23 armies (0 lost) vs China w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Brazil w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs Columbia w/ 11 armies (1 lost) Argentina w/ 4 armies (0 lost) vs Peru w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Algeria w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs Egypt w/ 19 armies (2 lost) Austria w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 4 armies (2 lost) Congo w/ 2 armies (1 lost) vs South Africa w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 12 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 107 days ago |
| Turn 18 Results Attacks Thailand w/ 8 armies (4 lost) vs China w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Brazil w/ 6 armies (1 lost) vs Argentina w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Eastern Europe w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Austria w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Algeria w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Congo w/ 1 armies (1 lost) India w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Scandinavia w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs Eastern Europe w/ 21 armies (2 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 11 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 5 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 107 days ago |
| Turn 17 Results Attacks Mongolia w/ 55 armies (14 lost) vs Pevek w/ 23 armies (23 lost) Algeria w/ 21 armies (3 lost) vs Brazil w/ 4 armies (4 lost) Thailand w/ 5 armies (0 lost) vs India w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Scandinavia w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs Eastern Europe w/ 30 armies (4 lost) Northern Territories w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Greenland w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Congo w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs Algeria w/ 30 armies (0 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 9 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 5 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 109 days ago |
| Turn 16 Results Attacks Western Europe w/ 89 armies (38 lost) vs Algeria w/ 45 armies (45 lost) Egypt w/ 31 armies (1 lost) vs Eastern Europe w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Indonesia w/ 21 armies (1 lost) vs Thailand w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Quebec w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Ontario w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 8 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 9 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 109 days ago |
Jaydog  | Yup and they have been in games together. You find no reason that is a problem. i have stated my intentions many times and have no problem with it. You cannot make up the rules, my friend. I will always abide by the rules of the game. Not the rules that some want to make. BTW, I have many here that I have had NAPs with from time to time. I didnt even know what that meant until Bryan himself taught it to me. BTW, I beat him in the first large game when he tried to ally with one of my friends...
8 yrs, 109 days ago |
klurejr  | As long as they don't secrectly team against people there i no reason why I cannot have multiple accounts. I have run two different accounts on this site for nealy 5 years and added a third this year.
8 yrs, 109 days ago |
Jaydog  | I believe that multiple accounts should be frowned on also, right?
8 yrs, 110 days ago |
| Turn 15 Results Attacks Columbia w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Mexico w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Pevek w/ 2 armies (2 lost) vs Cherskiy w/ 20 armies (0 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 15 new armies (9 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 13 new armies (7 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 110 days ago |
| MadMac forced the turn to run.
8 yrs, 110 days ago |
klurejr  | Brian is not active on this site. The majoriyt of users determin the ettiquite at this point and secret teaming looked down upon. Only you and Timmy are for this, everyone else is against it.
8 yrs, 110 days ago |
Jaydog  | Rules of the tourney are that their are no specific rules.
8 yrs, 111 days ago |
Jaydog  | Rules state: If the game is not listed as No alliance or No NAP (Non-Aggression Pact) then you should be communicating with other players
8 yrs, 111 days ago |
Jaydog  | actually, K. Alliances are legal in all...just check with Bryan. Final Four was my tourney that Bryan put up for me. If he wants to change the rules to what you imply, I will gladly change my way of playing. If not, I will continue just as I am. Sorry if that bothers you
8 yrs, 111 days ago |
| Turn 14 Results Attacks Alaska w/ 20 armies (1 lost) vs Pevek w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Quebec w/ 3 armies (0 lost) vs Northern Territories w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Alberta w/ 2 armies (2 lost) vs Northern Territories w/ 3 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 15 new armies (9 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 12 new armies (7 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 111 days ago |
klurejr  | Creating a secrect alliance is against tournament rules unless you are pklaying the final 4 tourny which specifically allows for team making. Secrect team making is not cool.
8 yrs, 111 days ago |
Jaydog  | Only the ones that I trust, B
8 yrs, 112 days ago |
| Turn 13 Results Attacks Northern Territories w/ 20 armies (1 lost) vs Alaska w/ 1 armies (1 lost) East United States w/ 3 armies (0 lost) vs Quebec w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Brazil w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Columbia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Argentina w/ 3 armies (0 lost) vs Peru w/ 1 armies (1 lost) West United States w/ 2 armies (2 lost) vs Alberta w/ 27 armies (2 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 15 new armies (9 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 12 new armies (7 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 5 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 112 days ago |
Brean  | Jaydog, you always create an alliance with someone in every game you play.
8 yrs, 112 days ago |
Jaydog  | K...it's a game. I have been berated either way so I just stopped saying it. Tim is a friend and if in a game, I don't attack him because I trust that he will not me. There is no secret there.
8 yrs, 112 days ago |
| Turn 12 Results Attacks Quebec w/ 2 armies (1 lost) vs West United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 15 new armies (9 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 8 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 5 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 112 days ago |
klurejr  | Fair enough. Jay - you and Timmy deserve to be berated in every game you play in until it is proven you have stopped making secrect teams in every game you play in.
8 yrs, 112 days ago |
Jaydog  | Geez K. can you complain some more?
8 yrs, 113 days ago |
| Turn 11 Results Attacks Algeria w/ 23 armies (18 lost) vs Western Europe w/ 20 armies (16 lost) Indonesia w/ 14 armies (4 lost) vs Queensland w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Brazil w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Argentina w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Egypt w/ 3 armies (0 lost) vs Middle East w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Kazakhstan w/ 3 armies (0 lost) vs India w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 15 new armies (9 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 8 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 5 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 113 days ago |
MadMac  | 1. I will never team with Jaydog. He knows I rant about teaming. 2. I'm gambling purple is not coming back and using it to my advantage.
8 yrs, 113 days ago |
klurejr  | Mac - Stop protecting Purple.
8 yrs, 114 days ago |
klurejr  | u faggots Offline Last Login 17 days, 7 hrs ago
8 yrs, 114 days ago |
| Turn 10 Results Army Bonuses MadMac: 13 new armies (7 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) u faggots: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 114 days ago |
| Brean forced the turn to run.
8 yrs, 114 days ago |
klurejr  | oh shoot, looks like MadMac is teamed with Jaydog... interesting they did not disclose thier obvious partnership to everyone....
8 yrs, 115 days ago |
klurejr  | Brean.... really? MadMac is the biggest threat to win this outright and you do that???
8 yrs, 115 days ago |
| Turn 9 Results Attacks Algeria w/ 46 armies (20 lost) vs Brazil w/ 25 armies (25 lost) Mexico w/ 24 armies (1 lost) vs East United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Indonesia w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Outback w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 13 new armies (7 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) u faggots: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 115 days ago |
| Turn 8 Results Attacks Eastern Europe w/ 17 armies (5 lost) vs Middle East w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Thailand w/ 5 armies (4 lost) vs Indonesia w/ 6 armies (3 lost) New Guinea w/ 4 armies (2 lost) vs Indonesia w/ 3 armies (3 lost) Kazakhstan w/ 0 armies (0 lost) vs India w/ 1 armies (0 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 12 new armies (7 from Region Bonuses) jerrod22: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) u faggots: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 5 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 116 days ago |
| Turn 7 Results Army Bonuses MadMac: 11 new armies (7 from Region Bonuses) jerrod22: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) u faggots: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 5 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 5 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 117 days ago |
| Turn 6 Results Attacks Eastern Europe w/ 28 armies (4 lost) vs Iran w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Kazakhstan w/ 14 armies (14 lost) vs Iran w/ 24 armies (6 lost) Thailand w/ 11 armies (4 lost) vs India w/ 5 armies (4 lost) Quebec w/ 2 armies (2 lost) vs Ontario w/ 10 armies (0 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 11 new armies (7 from Region Bonuses) jerrod22: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) u faggots: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 5 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 5 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 118 days ago |
| savingpar forced the turn to run.
8 yrs, 118 days ago |
| Turn 5 Results Attacks Ural w/ 20 armies (5 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Columbia w/ 14 armies (1 lost) vs Mexico w/ 1 armies (1 lost) China w/ 12 armies (5 lost) vs Thailand w/ 5 armies (5 lost) United Kingdom w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Western Europe w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 11 new armies (7 from Region Bonuses) jerrod22: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) u faggots: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 6 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 5 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 119 days ago |
| Turn 4 Results Attacks Columbia w/ 24 armies (11 lost) vs Mexico w/ 15 armies (12 lost) Eastern Europe w/ 12 armies (4 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Indonesia w/ 4 armies (2 lost) vs Outback w/ 3 armies (3 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) jerrod22: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) u faggots: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 6 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 120 days ago |
| Turn 3 Results Attacks Scandinavia w/ 17 armies (4 lost) vs Eastern Europe w/ 5 armies (5 lost) United Kingdom w/ 12 armies (1 lost) vs Iceland w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Congo w/ 11 armies (4 lost) vs Algeria w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Tanzania w/ 11 armies (4 lost) vs Egypt w/ 5 armies (5 lost) East United States w/ 10 armies (2 lost) vs Mexico w/ 3 armies (3 lost) Indonesia w/ 7 armies (4 lost) vs Outback w/ 5 armies (4 lost) Alberta w/ 5 armies (0 lost) vs West United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) jerrod22: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) u faggots: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 6 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 120 days ago |
| Jaydog forced the turn to run.
8 yrs, 120 days ago |
Jaydog  | Have buddies who were there. We knew they were allligned with China but did not think that China would send in there own troops. Blood bath on both sides...they had more troops than us so we had to advance to the rear.
8 yrs, 121 days ago |
| Turn 2 Results Attacks Scandinavia w/ 16 armies (3 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 5 armies (5 lost) East United States w/ 14 armies (6 lost) vs Mexico w/ 9 armies (6 lost) Siberia w/ 13 armies (4 lost) vs Ural w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Indonesia w/ 13 armies (7 lost) vs Outback w/ 10 armies (7 lost) Ontario w/ 11 armies (5 lost) vs Alberta w/ 5 armies (5 lost) South Africa w/ 11 armies (3 lost) vs Congo w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Columbia w/ 10 armies (4 lost) vs Peru w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Brazil w/ 10 armies (3 lost) vs Argentina w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Alaska w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs Northern Territories w/ 13 armies (3 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) jerrod22: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) u faggots: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 6 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 121 days ago |
jerrod22  | oh we knew they did but didn't want to express it or it might of made the public want to go into china which we didn't want
8 yrs, 122 days ago |
Jaydog  | you play to get to this game, k. And, as I have stated before, allies are a part of war. For instance, the Korean conflict, We pushed them up into the Chosin reservoir not knowing that they had allied with the Chinese who attacked us there.
8 yrs, 122 days ago |
| Turn 1 Results Attacks Outback w/ 29 armies (22 lost) vs Indonesia w/ 30 armies (17 lost) Madagascar w/ 14 armies (5 lost) vs Tanzania w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Mongolia w/ 14 armies (5 lost) vs Japan w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Cherskiy w/ 14 armies (4 lost) vs Siberia w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Army Bonuses MadMac: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) jerrod22: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Brean: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Jaydog: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) u faggots: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) New Dawn: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) savingpar: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) klurejr: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
8 yrs, 122 days ago |
| klurejr forced the turn to run.
8 yrs, 122 days ago |
klurejr  | Also, I am forcing turn on one Purple. I despise his account name and he has not logged on in 8 days.
8 yrs, 122 days ago |
klurejr  | Why would last game be any different than the first game? Secret teaming is cheating no matter what stage of the tourny it is. The only Tourny where it is expressly okay to team up is Final Four, the rest are all to be considered every man for himself. Not 2v2 or 3v3 or anything like that.
8 yrs, 122 days ago |
Jaydog  | This is the final game of the tourney. Most will agree that it should be a free for all because of that.
8 yrs, 123 days ago |
Brean  | This game is 6 months in the making...!
8 yrs, 123 days ago |
New Dawn  | I will not
8 yrs, 123 days ago |
klurejr  | I wonder who will secrectly team up with Jaydog and ruin this game for everyone else.....?
8 yrs, 123 days ago |
| Game #Large #242 - Game 30 Started
8 yrs, 124 days ago |
| klurejr joined the game.
8 yrs, 124 days ago |
| savingpar joined the game.
8 yrs, 124 days ago |
| New Dawn joined the game.
8 yrs, 124 days ago |
| u faggots joined the game.
8 yrs, 125 days ago |
Jaydog  | I will not force the first turn unless someone has not been on for a bit.
8 yrs, 259 days ago |
MadMac  | Nobody team with Jaydog please. And be prepared he will force the first turn.
8 yrs, 264 days ago |
| Jaydog joined the game.
8 yrs, 288 days ago |
| Brean joined the game.
8 yrs, 288 days ago |
| jerrod22 joined the game.
8 yrs, 288 days ago |
| MadMac joined the game.
8 yrs, 291 days ago |