| Turn 17 Results Attacks Columbia w/ 45 armies (1 lost) vs Peru w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Madagascar w/ 38 armies (1 lost) vs South Africa w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Mexico w/ 23 armies (1 lost) vs Columbia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Brazil w/ 10 armies (0 lost) vs Argentina w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses ACC1: 48 new armies (28 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 24 days ago |
Tantor  | congratz on the win!
10 yrs, 25 days ago |
Tantor  | I was going to go get him...i'm sort of cut off now...
10 yrs, 25 days ago |
ACC1  | :))) gg
10 yrs, 25 days ago |
| Turn 16 Results Attacks Brazil w/ 42 armies (1 lost) vs Columbia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Tanzania w/ 40 armies (1 lost) vs Madagascar w/ 1 armies (1 lost) West United States w/ 34 armies (10 lost) vs Mexico w/ 11 armies (11 lost) Quebec w/ 20 armies (1 lost) vs East United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Algeria w/ 12 armies (1 lost) vs Brazil w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Egypt w/ 8 armies (1 lost) vs Congo w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses /Ovechkin/: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 43 new armies (24 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 25 days ago |
Tantor  | sorry dude....yellow owns this one....hoping for 2nd now
10 yrs, 25 days ago |
/Ovechkin/  | hahaha come Tantor
10 yrs, 25 days ago |
| Turn 15 Results Attacks Egypt w/ 60 armies (1 lost) vs Tanzania w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Algeria w/ 46 armies (3 lost) vs Brazil w/ 4 armies (4 lost) East United States w/ 39 armies (24 lost) vs West United States w/ 37 armies (29 lost) West United States w/ 7 armies (7 lost) vs East United States w/ 16 armies (5 lost) Western Europe w/ 14 armies (1 lost) vs Algeria w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses /Ovechkin/: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 34 new armies (18 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 25 days ago |
| Turn 14 Results Attacks Middle East w/ 69 armies (0 lost) vs Egypt w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Mexico w/ 29 armies (1 lost) vs East United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Alberta w/ 15 armies (1 lost) vs West United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Algeria w/ 14 armies (10 lost) vs Brazil w/ 11 armies (7 lost) Quebec w/ 5 armies (4 lost) vs Greenland w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Army Bonuses /Ovechkin/: 6 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 33 new armies (18 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 26 days ago |
| Turn 13 Results Attacks Austria w/ 10 armies (1 lost) vs Western Europe w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Iceland w/ 8 armies (6 lost) vs Greenland w/ 9 armies (4 lost) Scandinavia w/ 7 armies (0 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses /Ovechkin/: 6 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 32 new armies (18 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 27 days ago |
| Turn 12 Results Attacks Mexico w/ 33 armies (9 lost) vs West United States w/ 11 armies (11 lost) Eastern Europe w/ 12 armies (1 lost) vs Austria w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Scandinavia w/ 11 armies (5 lost) vs Iceland w/ 6 armies (6 lost) Ontario w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Quebec w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses /Ovechkin/: 6 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 24 new armies (11 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 27 days ago |
| Tantor forced the turn to run.
10 yrs, 27 days ago |
ACC1  | $)
10 yrs, 28 days ago |
| Turn 11 Results Attacks Kazakhstan w/ 8 armies (0 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Eastern Europe w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Scandinavia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses 12345678a: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) /Ovechkin/: 5 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 23 new armies (11 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 28 days ago |
| Tantor forced the turn to run.
10 yrs, 28 days ago |
Munby  | hey baz : )
10 yrs, 29 days ago |
| Turn 10 Results Attacks Columbia w/ 25 armies (1 lost) vs Mexico w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Quebec w/ 2 armies (2 lost) vs Greenland w/ 4 armies (1 lost) West United States w/ 2 armies (1 lost) vs East United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses 12345678a: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) /Ovechkin/: 5 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 22 new armies (11 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 29 days ago |
Tantor  | and that pretty much settles that....
10 yrs, 30 days ago |
| Turn 9 Results Attacks Thailand w/ 13 armies (7 lost) vs China w/ 10 armies (8 lost) Eastern Europe w/ 12 armies (7 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 8 armies (7 lost) China w/ 1 armies (1 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 1 armies (0 lost) East United States w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Quebec w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Egypt w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs Middle East w/ 15 armies (2 lost) Ural w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs China w/ 1 armies (1 lost) West United States w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs Quebec w/ 4 armies (2 lost) Scandinavia w/ 2 armies (2 lost) vs Eastern Europe w/ 6 armies (2 lost) Army Bonuses 12345678a: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) /Ovechkin/: 5 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 22 new armies (11 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 30 days ago |
| Turn 8 Results Attacks Columbia w/ 28 armies (2 lost) vs Peru w/ 2 armies (2 lost) Middle East w/ 14 armies (1 lost) vs Eastern Europe w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Alberta w/ 7 armies (1 lost) vs West United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Scandinavia w/ 7 armies (1 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 3 armies (3 lost) Austria w/ 6 armies (0 lost) vs Western Europe w/ 1 armies (1 lost) China w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs Ural w/ 6 armies (1 lost) Quebec w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs East United States w/ 7 armies (2 lost) Alaska w/ 2 armies (1 lost) vs Northern Territories w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses 12345678a: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) /Ovechkin/: 5 new armies (3 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 12 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 7 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 31 days ago |
| Turn 7 Results Attacks Brazil w/ 29 armies (1 lost) vs Columbia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) China w/ 23 armies (15 lost) vs Thailand w/ 16 armies (12 lost) United Kingdom w/ 9 armies (2 lost) vs Austria w/ 2 armies (2 lost) Cherskiy w/ 7 armies (1 lost) vs Mongolia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Northern Territories w/ 6 armies (2 lost) vs Quebec w/ 3 armies (3 lost) Middle East w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Iran w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Alberta w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Alaska w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Argentina w/ 3 armies (3 lost) vs Peru w/ 4 armies (2 lost) Army Bonuses 12345678a: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) /Ovechkin/: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 11 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) banjo: 0 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 8 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 31 days ago |
12345678a  | good for you
10 yrs, 31 days ago |
| Turn 6 Results Attacks Middle East w/ 32 armies (14 lost) vs Egypt w/ 24 armies (13 lost) Argentina w/ 31 armies (1 lost) vs Brazil w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Mongolia w/ 16 armies (1 lost) vs China w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Mexico w/ 13 armies (10 lost) vs Columbia w/ 13 armies (10 lost) Ontario w/ 12 armies (1 lost) vs Alberta w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Northern Territories w/ 10 armies (4 lost) vs Quebec w/ 5 armies (2 lost) Iceland w/ 10 armies (0 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Cherskiy w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Pevek w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses 12345678a: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) /Ovechkin/: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 9 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) banjo: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 9 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 32 days ago |
banjo  | No problem, Area has a valid point. If it is the one that I am thinking of, he ended up a place behind where was expected. We should have waited till after the other was taken out before he was. I would have traded places with him had I known the end result. But...that is water under the bridge. area is right...in a way. I take that responsiblilty. And I should not have let 123 bring me into an argument. I need to be above his insults and insinuations. nuff said
10 yrs, 32 days ago |
12345678a  | I prefer the name Suicide Robert
10 yrs, 33 days ago |
Tantor  | and you go all Suicide Bob on him?
10 yrs, 33 days ago |
| Turn 5 Results Attacks Mexico w/ 29 armies (23 lost) vs Columbia w/ 29 armies (17 lost) India w/ 24 armies (0 lost) vs Middle East w/ 4 armies (4 lost) Pevek w/ 18 armies (1 lost) vs Mongolia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Greenland w/ 9 armies (0 lost) vs Northern Territories w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Thailand w/ 8 armies (1 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Western Europe w/ 2 armies (0 lost) vs Austria w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses 12345678a: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) /Ovechkin/: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 9 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) banjo: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 10 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 33 days ago |
12345678a  | Because people hate banjo so much they take the time to comment in his games.
10 yrs, 33 days ago |
Tantor  | how did area wind up in here? He's not even playing this one.
10 yrs, 33 days ago |
area  | But i beg to differ about "I am honest and trustworthy" , because in previous game i got a message from you : "Have arrangement with grey coming after purple, however...if i take him out, you get third so your best bet is to give me a hand there." . The hand has been gived , but the result is not wat whas spected .
10 yrs, 33 days ago |
area  | You are right about that there are not especific rules in this tournement about teaming , so if it's not forbiden is acceptable to do it .
10 yrs, 33 days ago |
area  | Sorry banjo but i have to disagree here whit you ..
10 yrs, 33 days ago |
/Ovechkin/  | let's finish this one and complain later :P
10 yrs, 34 days ago |
| Turn 4 Results Attacks East United States w/ 28 armies (2 lost) vs Mexico w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Thailand w/ 27 armies (2 lost) vs India w/ 3 armies (3 lost) Siberia w/ 15 armies (4 lost) vs Cherskiy w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Western Europe w/ 7 armies (1 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Middle East w/ 5 armies (1 lost) vs Iran w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses 12345678a: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) /Ovechkin/: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 8 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) banjo: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 9 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 34 days ago |
banjo  | Sorry, usually I say nothing. But, yes, you have it right....just a game. My appologies.
10 yrs, 34 days ago |
/Ovechkin/  | Hey girls, its just a fucking game who's getting unpopular trough the days, so can you stop
10 yrs, 34 days ago |
banjo  | LOL....I never complained....nor whined as you do. It is all a part of the game. I was just uncovering your hypocrisy. Nothing you do angers me, 123. I actually feel sorry for you.
10 yrs, 34 days ago |
12345678a  | You should try it sometime
10 yrs, 34 days ago |
12345678a  | What he is trying to say is forfeiting and attacking banjo is lots of fun and really pisses him off.
10 yrs, 34 days ago |
banjo  | The people who know me know that I am honest and trustworthy. I don't throw insults around and will protect a friend to my last army. There has always been two sides to the argument of alliances. In fact, that is one of the reasons, that Bryan took authority of the game away from the players because he tired of the argument.
10 yrs, 34 days ago |
banjo  | No, but you do cheat in other ways. Isn't that a taste of hypocrisy there? For those who don't know what I am talking about, 123 found a glitch in the program. You can quit out but still play your people. So, he decided to play mercenary and do just that. I have never denied my play but have always stated that when I do team, it is by the rules. So...how could that be cheating?
10 yrs, 34 days ago |
| Turn 3 Results Attacks Indonesia w/ 29 armies (1 lost) vs Thailand w/ 1 armies (1 lost) West United States w/ 22 armies (1 lost) vs East United States w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Scandinavia w/ 16 armies (5 lost) vs Eastern Europe w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Algeria w/ 12 armies (2 lost) vs Western Europe w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Congo w/ 11 armies (1 lost) vs Egypt w/ 1 armies (1 lost) India w/ 8 armies (2 lost) vs Middle East w/ 3 armies (3 lost) Kazakhstan w/ 7 armies (5 lost) vs Ukraine w/ 6 armies (6 lost) Mongolia w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Siberia w/ 1 armies (1 lost) China w/ 2 armies (1 lost) vs Ural w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses 12345678a: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) /Ovechkin/: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 7 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) banjo: 1 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 9 new armies (4 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 35 days ago |
12345678a  | I don't team in tournaments. It's cheating.
10 yrs, 35 days ago |
| Turn 2 Results Attacks Alberta w/ 31 armies (8 lost) vs West United States w/ 13 armies (13 lost) Tanzania w/ 18 armies (6 lost) vs Congo w/ 9 armies (9 lost) Ural w/ 12 armies (4 lost) vs Kazakhstan w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Egypt w/ 10 armies (1 lost) vs Algeria w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Madagascar w/ 6 armies (3 lost) vs South Africa w/ 3 armies (3 lost) Austria w/ 4 armies (4 lost) vs Eastern Europe w/ 9 armies (4 lost) Middle East w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs Egypt w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Japan w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs China w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Peru w/ 2 armies (2 lost) vs Argentina w/ 27 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses 12345678a: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) /Ovechkin/: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 6 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) banjo: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 36 days ago |
Tantor  | I take it you are not on his "Secret Team"?
10 yrs, 36 days ago |
| Turn 1 Results Attacks Alaska w/ 29 armies (1 lost) vs Alberta w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Queensland w/ 29 armies (4 lost) vs Indonesia w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Algeria w/ 11 armies (4 lost) vs Brazil w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Greenland w/ 9 armies (4 lost) vs Iceland w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Peru w/ 9 armies (9 lost) vs Argentina w/ 30 armies (3 lost) Western Europe w/ 9 armies (4 lost) vs United Kingdom w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Ukraine w/ 9 armies (5 lost) vs Scandinavia w/ 5 armies (5 lost) Madagascar w/ 4 armies (1 lost) vs South Africa w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Tanzania w/ 3 armies (1 lost) vs Madagascar w/ 1 armies (1 lost) Army Bonuses 12345678a: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) /Ovechkin/: 2 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) ACC1: 5 new armies (2 from Region Bonuses) uguccioniforever: 4 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) banjo: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses) Tantor: 3 new armies (0 from Region Bonuses)
10 yrs, 36 days ago |
12345678a  | Is everyone clear on who banjo is? He is a cheater. Half of the players in this game are playing on a secret team. If you are not on the team you are about to get screwed.
10 yrs, 37 days ago |
| Game #Six Player #22 - Game 28 Started
10 yrs, 37 days ago |
| Tantor joined the game.
10 yrs, 37 days ago |
| banjo joined the game.
10 yrs, 37 days ago |
| uguccioniforever joined the game.
10 yrs, 37 days ago |
| ACC1 joined the game.
10 yrs, 123 days ago |
| /Ovechkin/ joined the game.
10 yrs, 123 days ago |
| 12345678a joined the game.
10 yrs, 123 days ago |